Saturday 29 October 2011

snow white drawing

Snow White

Once upon a time, lived king and queen in a big castle. The queen gave birth a daughter with skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood. They named her, Snow White. Soon after Snow White's birth , the queen passed away. Then , the king married to a beautiful but evil queen. After his short marriage, the King passed away because the evil queen had poisoned him.

Every day, the queen always asked to her magical mirror. "mirror,oh my mirror, who is the fairest of all ?".
And the mirror answered her,' "of course you,my queen"
But,days had passed and Snow White grew and turned into beautiful lady.
One day the queen asked the mirror,"oh my mirror , who is the fairest of all?"
But she got a different answer from previous,"you are fair my queen,but Snow White is the fairest of all"
So the queen became very envy to Snow White, she planned evil plans to kill Snow White

One day she sent huntsman to kill Snow White. But the huntsman felt pity of Snow White and let her go deep inside the forest to hide. Snow White then found a hut which was a home for the seven dwarfs. She was allowed to lived together with them. Every day she did house working, the dwarfs really loved her, and always protected her.They asked  Snow white not to let the stranger come in.

The queen thought that Snow White has dead. She asked to the magical mirror and shocked hearing that the mirror's answer stayed the same still.."Snow White is the fairest of all". She then knew that Snow White lived in the middle of the forest inside the dwarf's hut. She did many evil plans to kill Snow White, but none of them was succeed,all canceled and discovered by the dwarfs.

Until, one day when the dwarfs was mining and were not at home,and Snow White was alone.   She disguised as an old lady selling red apples 
Snow White refused to buy the apples, but the queen which was disguised as old lady, insisted her. The queen bit one apple an she offered to gave the other apple for free, with the reason;she was really sad that no one even a beautiful girl like Snow White would not taste her sweet red apples.
Then, Snow White accepted the apple and bit one of the apples,which was given by the old woman(and of course it contained poison) she was poisoned and felt unconscious, and leaved alone by the queen.

When the dwarfs went back home , they found Snow White laid on the ground. She didn't move, they realized that Snow White had been poisoned, but they could not revived her. Sadly, they put Snow White into glass coffin.
One time, A prince came by riding a horse and found the hut, He saw a beautiful girl slept peacefully inside the coffin,
on that time He felt in love at the first sight.
He asked the dwarfs what's her name and what has happened to her.
The dwarfs told him, she's poisoned. The prince asked if he's allowed to open the coffin, but the dwarfs would not let him do that, he insisted.
The dwarfs could say anything, and
the prince opened the coffin an kissed Snow White.
She was awaken, and both of them were in love.

what about the queen? she was driven insane of knowing that Snow White was still alive.

The prince then took Snow White to his Castle, they married and lived happily ever after ( sometime they visited warfs in the forest too-I added this one ;) )

( I retell this story with my words XD , so maybe it is not exactly the same ) 

by the way ; I love the part "live happily ever after"

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